Sunday, April 19, 2009

That Mason!

As I had said before, our Mason is a curious cat! He did it this time! My daughter had bought a new answering machine the other day. She had it plugged in and all set to go before she left for work. Being a curious cat, Mason could not let this go unnoticed. Every time someone had called, Mason was intrigued with this new device that spoke to him. The blinking red light was just too much for him to keep his paws off of!
It took a few days to actually figure out what was going on. But, when everyone started to ask my daughter why she wasn't returning her calls it didn't take long to catch the culprit! To our dismay, we found out that Mason was erasing the messages! With the flashing lights, Mason would try to catch it with his paws! I'm sure this was a new fun game for him! Well, with him trying to catch the blinking light, he was pushing the erase button! That Mason!

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